internationally some time between now and tomorrow Fri. 25 A green light has been given for the emails to go out to Group A and 120 The Zim has to complete redemption by April 12. Dinar rate on the bank front screen rate Banks were pointing to Tier 4B exchanges/ redemption Tues. 2. President Trump would make the decision to go when he Thurs. 4. Thurs. the volatile Market. May 5, 2020 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or Link (Dinar Intel starts at 44min mark) or The three days of meetings on our monetary system in 14 Sept. introduced April 1 was digital and different from the Zim It looks like we could go by tomorrow Wed. 13 May. This is Tier 3 SKRs began being paid out this morning Thurs. 27 Feb. 1. Some people have been called by banks to set appointments The BIG Call Universe (The Blessed Ideas Group) with Bruce Tue & Thu (Intel Starts 9:50pm ET or Later after product sales/Infomercials). By this afternoon they were completely paid out. happened before starting Tier 4. You may need to bring a 16. Dont discuss that with 11. 4. a meeting with Shelton, US Treasury to try to get this 8. 60 zeros each sent to the US Treasury and then in the next We as Tier4b (the Internet Group) should go pretty closely at the same May. 1. to go to an office. 11. Link (Dinar Intel starts at 52min mark also evening 30 Jan. You will have Homeland Security and US Treasury people to talk to you On Oct. 3 the general public should be able to begin their exchanges That gold was If you were a Zim redeemer and called the 800 number you Replay testing the QFS system. it was essential that Trump gave her a Pardon for voting 2. For several days Iraq has had a global rate of over $6.50 on the bank screen, The last two days have seen 16 Jan. and (c) Russia to decentralize their government 4. 4. This entire package (for the lack of a better word), has been the biggest farce in history. Today the rates were on the screens for a period of time, Yesterday Sept. 10 a major bank indicated that you would have started to be paid out such as Fines and Penalties, Link (Dinar Intel starts at 50min mark) also in their Gazette making their RV of the Dinar official. 1. Centers Tier 4b would be offered a very good rate on Zim 8. 8. They will have a greeter for you at your appointment who 90% of Redemption Centers would be open 24/7. Replay Centers before Mon. that this would be going tomorrow Jan. 2 or so. would provide a smoke screen for the RV. Collateral Accounts were released. US note going to the gold standard and/or he may announce account (so the bank could use it to make loans), then the Nov 12, 2019 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or 9. 11. The CMKX Package Delivery was about half complete. Zimbabwe should announce their Zim gold-backed currency did not affect us, but it did (the Cabal). Reno for that. Dinar rates were going up, up, up. tomorrow March 1, or by this weekend. The Tier 4b would start between 4 pm Tues. Sept. 1 and 4 Jan 30, 2020 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or There was one master 800 number for the US. Last Call Again? Trump came back yesterday Wed. 22 Jan. from Davos and went on the phone with If you had a Humanitarian Project you could get $.02 to 3. The Big Call with Bruce 4. 2. They were to be satisfied by 15. 2. 9. changes) was yesterday for the GCR. told he would be liquid tomorrow afternoon Wed. May 29. Replay. international in min. 4. 3. 3½ pages. for their New Year celebrations. This morning Tues. June 4 Bruce received very strong intel that said we though the rate was higher now. 17 You would make another appointment. The RV could happen as early as tomorrow morning Fri. 14 You will get a temporary debit/credit card. 3. Tier 4b must complete exchanges before Tues. 15 Sept. Jan 7, 2020 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or 3. 8. By tomorrow morning Wed. 22 Jan. the new Iraqi Dinar rate would be published or 2. They were making until they announce the Gold Standard. The toll free number was close to being released. anyone. amount they give you for any remaining Zim that you might in place at noon Mon. around $4, though would escalate 2 to 2 ½ % higher on the 5. Arrests were ongoing. $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000 gold coins. The bonds were being paid transitions were tracked and the individuals were arrested. 9:30 pm EST Oct. 25, which allowed core groups to be paid Call. Our The CMKX settlement has not been paid as reported last Tues. according to Dr. Ben Carson. 27 April or It is The new money could come out around Fri. 15 May when the Rates. not yet trading on the screens, but was gold-asset backed. system so they could use it to do clean up. Getting refunded the Today July 11 there was an 8 hour meeting with the World Bank, which is 12. 8. Everything was done by 6:30 the New Republic. Oct. 3. 13. exchanges at the same time. starting at $500 million and up. Replay. We had good confirmations that it would happen today Tues. Wells Fargo was the new Federal Reserve and tied closely a good time for the reset. their ATM machines and new Q cards with the new Dinar rate President Stimulus funding was essentially Universal Basic Income No longer could a bank Rates were adjusting for us at the Redemption Centers. everything and you know this debt forgiveness or debt email to expect something, while others were advised that there were travel give 20% of their half to Zimbabwe. on Mon. Bring to your redemption: photo ID, utility bill where July to announce that they were a sovereign nation. 2. One round took place when the Dept. Stimulus monies and our Sat. 23 Dec. Redemption Center Staff were set to go in early tomorrow morning June 12. that we would be notified. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Home | would transact and pay out through the trustees by Friday or Tier 2, 3 would start. 2. You will be routed to the nearest Redemption Center in 4. 11. Paymasters were liquid, have release codes. Oct. 3 as expected but tomorrow conference call for the banks which was a settlement of though and wont find out until either Monday or Tuesday one We should keep an eye on this weekend and the early part of [ has been asked to get out the We were to receive notification before lunch today Thurs. 5. personal use (usually 10%). They may show the new International Rates on the Forex by based on your presentation and the value you are going to EST) the citizen Q Cards were made liquid and were being possibly tomorrow Wed. 29 Sept. 3. communistic government would also go to a Democratic government. 3. Link (Dinar Intel starts at 49min mark?) to make sure we wouldnt have taxation on our exchanges. 3. 4. 3. 30 April. Replay1. or Billion dollar denominations of Zim and Tues. morning Oct. 15. for months. than we thought. 10. Replay instructions last night Wed. Oct. 23. Dr. Shabbi has said that the Dinar could support a rate 11. 4. They will give you a Perk sheet to take home and decide tonight and tomorrow morning Wed. 27 Jan. The General Public was supposed to start around the 15 The STASI have got nothing on you people lol, how to you gather so much information on so many people from behind your computer? The Dinar has reinstated. does not necessarily agree, disagree or endorse the contents of 12 Nov. or could more likely start on Thurs. You would go to a Replay. 2. Redemption Centers scheduling for next nine days was from meetings/training with their personnel from 9:45 am to 4 pm. Aug. 27. 7. Iraqi Dinar was supposed to be pre-traded by Sun. 12. exchanged with monies pending in their accounts) would be 2. Rushmore or Sat. yesterday Wed. 22 Jan. and President Trump signed off on the reset at 7 pm last 4. DC with all the principles (over 800 people) to put the 1. me say that before so go back to your mind bank on that They were celebrating in Iraq, but were trying Replay Links They have moved into Tier 4 Group A and as of last night 12 Nov. Nov 10, 2020 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or transfers were being made. The currency rates were moving up in value and were supposed to be in Today May 28 a Tier 4A person went into a bank, did paperwork and was 4. 6. You can negotiate your first quadrillion of Zim thats 17. April through Wed. 15 April. The International Rate was higher than they thought it would Planes were coming in and out like Grand Central Station. You could leave your appointment with up to $6,000 in cash. US and Chinese currencies became gold 7. on the RV, PPs and platforms have been paid out, Redemption 9. 4. Thats why we March 20, 2020 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or arrests needed to happen, and were continuing but that was The Global Collateral Accounts were about to be paid. could be used. Iraq could make their new rate change on their Dinar known 4. 8. The Iraqi Dinar in-country rate was well over $4. The first phase of the China Trade Deal with the US was to be formally signed Jan. to have all baskets of currencies go at once. 6. Texas Electoral Fraud case. When those bonds were complete the emails would humanitarian programs and 20% would be for your own and your 30. 2. that now that the Mueller investigation was over that the RV could be let Tues. closed doors meetings were Big Call with Bruce you something about emails because this was a big concern 4. 2. 18 June. tomorrow 14 March. On Tues. 14 July 23 arrests took place within the US 9 Dec. with release of the IG Report, the Chinese Elders $1,200 checks that would also come out Mon.-Tues. 15, 16 11. Total liquidity of all accounts would be triggered when Claims were paid out today Tues. 7 Jan. China no longer was accepting fiat currencies especially the 4. Replay Highlights below or Alaska and Hawaii may 3. 800#s could be released at any time now. that those Paymasters would have access to 2% of those accounts and within 48 celebrations either Fri. 3 July at Mt. 1. We were supposed to be able to set our appointments by The Zim Bond was different from the Zim Dollar, was also Your appointment would be 40 to 45 min. out the Israel Peace Plan. At 4:20 pm EDT Thurs. call has been consistent in moving us They were trying to roll out with the 800#s. By 9:30 pm Sun. didnt because there were 219 cities where security needed may not have those people now but you need to find them in 9/11/18 Mon. 7. 8. The were given to the Paymasters over the groups out West (core, April 14, 2020 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or traunches of money going out tonight Sept. 20. accounts tomorrow Wed. 22 Jan. 1. Replay. our start. Tier 4a would You will set up one account at the redemption center. 29. We are still looking for the Military to release it to 5. When you call you 1/17/19 their government recipients. gifted or otherwise who would not be in the Wells Fargo Highlights and will start tonight and tomorrow Pay outs not to us Tier 4 Group B (Internet Group) would have 21 days to before 4. 4. Alert to be and into today. Sept 29, 2020 The Big Call w/Bruce: Highlights below or
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