Toponyms are place names that are either specific, referring to a unique place (e.g., 126 Belmont Road), or generic, referring to a class of place or instance of that class (e.g., house). Roys, 1933) clearly illustrates that the Yucatec Maya devel- oped a hermeneutics of place names with intricate punning that operated in political discourses Post/Colonial Toponymy 131 of domination, legitimacy and control. Complete the following chart detailing four common reasons why toponyms change. Examples of Geographic Activities for Unit Two . Historians have long debated its short-term and long-term effects of the revolution and its social changes. Russian Revolution of 1905 . Jump to Content Jump to Main Navigation Jump to Main Navigation Three examples from Soviet toponymy can be mentioned as an illustration of this problem. For example, Portal, Hardinge, Sadler, and Eliot were commissioners … Although Leningrad changed its name to Saint Petersburg, and the city of Sverdlovsk regained its historical name Yekaterinburg (both in 1991), the regions controlled from these two cities are still named Leningradskaya oblast and Sverdlovskaya oblast. Rambling about toponyms and ethnonyms in various languages. Russia industrialized much later than Western Europe and the United States. In fact, the post-1990s period can be featured as a “critical turn” in toponymy literature, productive in its “self-reflexive engagement with critical theories of space and place”, together with “situating the study of toponyms within the context of broader debates in critical human geography” (p. 455). Place Names For example, the Chilam Balams (e.g. The impact the revolution had on the roles of women is debated by historians. Toponyms can be further distinguished by location, referring to local or remote places inside or outside geographic areas of interest, respectively. When it finally did, around the turn of … Following this is a detailed documentation of four selected toponyms—Jalan Besar, Havelock Road, Middle Road, and the Padang—based on the analysis of historical data, including that of maps of colonial Singapore. 2. Religion terminology – secularism, animism, syncretism, ethnic religion, universalizing religion, proselytizing, From Twitter it appears that the tidbit from that post which has been most remarked about is the fact that the Polish word for Italy is Włochy (related to Gaul, Wales, Wallachia, Galatia, and Vlachs). How did the revolution change American society? Difficulties in mapping cultural regions - Zelinsky. The paper begins with a discussion on toponymy and colonialism, particularly that with regards to Singapore. Branko Milanovic has revived interest in an older post of mine about the Polish language. ... Toponymy– post-colonial, post-revolution, memorial, commodification. Street map of Nairobi central area dated 1960. Most streets had British names. Examples Post-Colonial Post-Revolution Memorial Commodification Author: Owner Last modified by: Laura McKnight … Post-revolution social changes. Reason Explanation (What is the goal of this toponym change?)
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