Text. . Here again we have in St. Luke twenty-two generations from Salathiel to David, … The Mandalorian season 2 finale left audiences wondering if Luke Skywalker will return in season 3.Wrapping up its year full of cameos from the bigger Star Wars universe, the Disney+ series saved its biggest one for last, as the legendary Jedi made an appearance to take Baby Yoda from Din Djarin. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. TCR 105, 106. governor of Judea--His proper title was Procurator, but with more than the usual powers of that office. The river Jordan rises in the Anti-Lebanon, to the north of Jerusalem. Do violence to none--The word signifies to "shake thoroughly," and so to "intimidate," probably in order to extort money accuse . Here the curtain of the New Testament is, as it were, drawn up, and the greatest of all epochs of the Church commences. Here are general warnings and exhortations which John gave. By the words here used John preached the necessity of repentance, in order to the remission of sins, and that the baptism of water … . Suppose, too, that he and his wife were to accept your invitation. 1:1-17. (3) Going upward from Zerubbabel and Salathiel, which are common to both genealogies, we come again across a different succession—St. Luke 3:21, 22 Luke 22 . Baptism had also long been administered to Gentile proselytes coming into Judaism. Verse 10. When we press duty upon people, we must direct them to Christ, both for righteousness and strength. The scope and design of John's ministry were, to bring the people from their sins, and to their Saviour. Those who take the latter opinion, that we have here the line of Mary, as in Matthew that of Joseph--here His real, there His reputed line--explain the statement about Joseph, that he was "the son of Hell," to mean that he was his son-in-law, as the husband of his daughter Mary (as in Ruth 1:11 Ruth 1:12 ), and believe that Joseph's name is only introduced instead of Mary's, in conformity with the Jewish custom in such tables. John’s preaching ( cf. The Baptism and the Genealogy of Jesus Sunday Evening Message. Salem Media Group. Those who injure the faithful servants of God, add still greater guilt to their other sins. Study Luke 3 - 'American Standard Version' translation alongside Explanation of Luke 3 and Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation) #785 中文 čeština Nederlands français ქართული ენა Deutsch italiano 日本語 한국어 português Pyccĸий … He was a popular preacher; he addressed the people, according to their capacity. The country about Jordan--The river Jordan. Christ did not confess sin, as others did, for he had none to confess; but he prayed, as others did, and kept up communion with his Father. . Luke Sermon Series - Mp3's; J LIGON DUNCAN - et al. In his description of the Baptism, St. Luke agrees verbally with the latter. 18. many other things, &c.--such as we read in John 1:29 John 1:33 John 1:34 , 3:27-36 . Luke 3:1-20 . © 2021 Christianity.com. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. What may have begun as a rather intimate meal, would quickly become a large production. Christ was both the son of Adam and the Son of God, that he might be a proper Mediator between God and the sons of Adam, and might bring the sons of Adam to be, through him, the sons of God. He was an evangelical preacher. Luke 3:21-28 The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus (; 1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 7:8-13) RON DANIEL. Philip--a different and very superior Philip to the one whose wife Herodias went to live with Herod Antipas. Luke 3. 15:13). No such elaborate chronological precision is to be found elsewhere in the New Testament, and it comes fitly from him who claims it as the peculiar recommendation of his Gospel, that he had "accurately traced down all things from the first" ( Luke 1:3 ). one mightier than I--"the Mighter than I.". However we decide, it is a satisfaction to know that not a doubt was thrown out by the bitterest of the early enemies of Christianity as to our Lord's real descent from David. Every valley, &c.--levelling and smoothing, obvious figures, the sense of which is in the first words of the proclamation, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord.". So far from entertaining such a thought as laying claim to the honors of Messiahship, the meanest services I can render to that "Mightier than I that is coming after me," are too high an honor for me. Luke 3:3 "And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;" “Baptism of repentance”: The symbolism of John’s baptism likely had its roots in Old Testament rituals (Lev. content with your wages--"rations." Follow Desiring God on Facebook. John the Baptist's ministry. And then, though the descent of Mary from David would be liable to no real doubt, even though we had no table of her line preserved to us (see, for example, Luke 1:2-32 , and incredible--that two genealogies of our Lord should be preserved to us, neither of which gives his real descent. Trachonitis--farther to the northeast, between Iturea and Damascus; a rocky district, infested by robbers, and committed by Augustus to Herod the Great to keep in order. Here is the fulfilling of the Scriptures, Isaiah 40:3, in the ministry of John. gives no account of John’s aspect and mode of life, leaving that to be inferred from Luke 1:80. Scripture: Luke 3:21–38. Thus highly does it become us to speak of Christ, and thus humbly of ourselves. John Piper Feb 23, 1981 47 Shares God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God Desiring God. Both Matthew and Luke, independently of one another, make it clear that Joseph was not the physical father of Jesus, but that He was uniquely conceived in Mary through the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 1:16, 18-25; Luke 1:26-38, 3:23). By the words here used John preached the necessity of repentance, in order to the remission of sins, and that the baptism of water was an outward sign of that inward cleansing and renewal of heart, which attend, or are the effects of true repentance, as well as a profession of it. 4:11). Watch our overview video on the book of Luke, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. 21. when all the people were baptized--that He might not seem to be merely one of the crowd. Even our Lord's own age ( Luke 3:23 ) is determined by it [BENGEL]. John answered--either to the deputation from Jerusalem (see John 1:19 , &c.), or on some other occasion, simply to remove impressions derogatory to his blessed Master which he knew to be taking saying unto them all--in solemn protestation. These verses contain Lk.’s version of the Baptist’s censure of his time. He was the one everlasting manifestation of the Godhead--THE WORD [OLSHAUSEN]. We may take this as a warning against mutiny, which the officers attempted to suppress by largesses and donations [WEBSTER and WILKINSON]. When way is made for the gospel into the heart, by taking down high thoughts, and bringing them into obedience to Christ, by levelling the soul, and removing all that hinders us in the way of Christ and his grace, then preparation is made to welcome the salvation of God. Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, In Greek society, this was the age that most men entered public service. being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph, &c.--Have we in this genealogy, as well as in Matthew's, the line of Joseph? (23-38). Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. and for all the evils which Herod had done--important fact here only mentioned, showing how thoroughgoing was the fidelity of the Baptist to his royal hearer, and how strong must have been the workings of conscience in that slave of passion when, notwithstanding such plainness, he "did many things and heard John gladly" ( mark 6:20 mark 6:26 ). 8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Luke 3:8. Proud member 1, 2. Even our Lord's own age ( Luke 3:23 ) is determined by it [BENGEL]. 24 Which was the son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, which was the son of Melchi, which was the son of Janna, which was the son of Joseph, Herod being reproved by him for many evils, shut up John in prison. . Luke 3; DAN DUNCAN. . John can do no more than baptize with water, in token that they ought to purify and cleanse themselves; but Christ can, and will baptize with the Holy Ghost; he can give the Spirit, to cleanse and purify the heart, not only as water washes off the dirt on the outside, but as fire clears out the dross that is within, and melts down the metal, that it may be cast into a new mould. All living Christians are thriving and bearing fruit; though some are more eminent for growth and proficiency in grace, yet all bring forth “fruits meet for repentance.”. But it is liable to another difficulty; namely, that in this case Matthew makes Jacob, while Luke makes "Heli," to be Joseph's father; and though the same man had often more than one name, we ought not to resort to that supposition, in such a case as this, without necessity. These specific examples continue to show that John is not trying to tell people how to get into heaven or receive eternal life, but rather how to make the necessary changes in their life so that they will prepare themselves and their … . John the Baptist gave instructions to several sorts of persons. John’s preaching is harsh and perhaps surprising; … Continue reading "Commentary on Luke 3:7-18" Commentary on Luke 3:1-14 (Read Luke 3:1-14) The scope and design of John's ministry were, to bring the people from their sins, and to their Saviour. Luke’s gospel is a grand journey in the footsteps of Jesus, and Through the Word will guide you through every step. The ardent desire to behold Him and be partakers of His mercy and glory suffered not the attention to be exhausted through a period embracing thousands of years. 14. soldiers . Fruits worthy of repentance. 23. he began to be about thirty--that is, "was about entering on His thirtieth year." All flesh, as descended from the first Adam, is as grass, and withers as the flower of the field; but he who partakes of the Holy Spirit of life from the Second Adam, has that eternal happiness, which by the gospel is preached unto us. (21,22) The genealogy of Christ. New International Version Update. These answers declared the present duty of the inquirers, and at once formed a test of their sincerity. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Luke 2:41-3:38 Preaching Repentence; Baptism Of Jesus; JOHN DUMMELOW - COMMENTARY. Luke 3:8. Annas and Caiaphas . Luke 3:1-20 . Those who take the former opinion contend that it is the natural sense of this verse, and that no other would have been thought of but for its supposed improbability and the uncertainty which it seems to throw over our Lord's real descent. Luke 3:23b-38; Matt. All rights reserved. The gospel requires mercy, not sacrifice; and its design is, to engage us to do all the good we can, and to be just to all men. He came preaching, not a sect, or party, but a profession; the sign or ceremony was washing with water. Every living fruit-tree is in some measure fruitful; though some bring forth more fruit, some less, yet all bring forth some.
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