The once nearly extinct (no wild animals were … Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is widely recognized throughout the world as a model institution for innovative presentation and interpretation of native plants and animals featured together in ecological exhibits. Ironwood Forest National Monument made up of 129,000-acres and contains a significant system of cultural and historical sites covering a 5,000 year period. Tucked into the Sonoran Desert not far from Eloy, the Ironwood Forest National Monument has been around since 2000. There is hiking, biking and nature study among the most recognizable cactus in the world. Ironwood takes its name from the longest living trees in the desert, but is also covered in saguaro cactus, along with mesquite, creosote, and palo verde trees. Camping at Ironwood Forest National Monument is remote camping experience; all campers should come prepared for desert conditions. function showpics(){var a=$("#box").val();$.getJSON(""+a+"&tagmode=any&format=json&jsoncallback=? Camping is allowed for up to 14 consecutive days on Monument land. About Ironwood Forest National Monument.
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