Trying to predict the future is always a risky thing to do; most of us are terrible at it. For a time in 2020, we stopped driving, flying, commuting. Before we go into sharing tips on how you can welcome the 2020 workplace in full armor, we need to pay closer attention to what this change means in practice. According to the 2020 workplace theory, over 36% of the workforce will consist of people born after the baby boomer generation. But if I had to bet on what the near term will hold, I would put my money on the following 7 trends. Let’s explore what you need to change to keep up with the demands of the workforce that are currently reshaping the business landscape. And although until now businesses were mostly focused on satisfying key consumer needs, what becomes clear when examining the global workforce trends by 2020 is that employee experience is equally important for company success. There are a lot of specifics , which we talk about later in this post, but here’s a quick primer. Overall, our respondents seem to take a negative view regarding the upcoming employment impact of artificial intelligence, although not on a scale that would lead to widespread societal upheaval—at least up until the year 2020. How can the workplace remain unaffected? The exponential rise of technological advancement and adoption has yielded benefits for every industry and person imaginable. It increases the automation of knowledge work in areas such as translation, data analysis, research, and decision-making. Technology is changing our lives in fundamental, profound ways. More and more businesses are finding it quite challenging to effectively manage talent or inspire and empower employees. Here are the trends agency pros believe will rise in 2020. 2) Globalization and virtual workplaces will also play an increasing role in the changing landscape of the workplace, causing more fluid shifts and flows of talent. Hope amid crisis during COVID-19. The future design of the workplace will be very different from today’s. Knowledge workers think for a living. Improve your employee, partner and customer training with our enterprise-ready learning management system. We'll be happy to get in touch. This fact alone means that the workplace can change dramatically, facing the collision of generations, but at the same time will boast a more diverse workforce. In the world of global FM and services, there are 9 megatrends that every FM provider should know - but of these, which will have the greatest impact on work? Download the Future of Work Trends Post-COVID-19 eBook Of the nine HR trends, some represent an acceleration of existing shifts; others are new impacts not previously discussed. One of the trends we predicted for 2020 was the increasing prominence of the new way to work – a shift away from the traditional work model toward one that’s more flexible and worker-centric, underscored by the increasing acceptance of working from home and the boom of the gig economy. Expanding on the death of a single skillset, companies are increasingly opting to apply workplace trends with new technologies that allow them to streamline repetitive tasks. If the world of work collectively had the power to adapt, evolve and strive ahead then, it can do so now too. Here, we look at the 25 technology trends that will define the next decade and the 4th industrial revolution. This is easily seen in a number of tech giants and industry leaders like Google, Facebook, SAP, Tumblr, Intuit, and others. Servicefutures The Medicaid expansion legislation intensely affects healthcare organizations and patients because Medicaid expansion means more people have access to healthcare than before. Kinnarps, a company specializing in the design of workspaces, has produced a report with the five most outstanding trends that will have a great impact on the way we work. These mega trends will have the greatest impact on work towards 2020. And we stopped buying the fuel needed to do these things. Source: ISS 2020 Vision, NWOW Survey, 2013. ISS 2020 Vision: NWOW subject matter experts expect more video conferencing, real-time translators, smart glasses and other wearable computers in the office towards 2020. Data are increasingly the driving force behind not only commercial decisions, but choices regarding user experience and really, all facets of your product and company life. Active job seekers represent 34% of the workforce, but express concern about success. Service Futures represents the most important visions, trends and insights for the future of service, facility management, the workplace as an experience, HRM and outsourcing. Nothing stands still. State-of-the-art office campuses, flexible hours and resting rooms are only some of the methods these enterprises leverage to keep their employee experience great. No news here, of course. To take advantage of this, FM providers must be resourceful, creative, innovative and maintain simultaneous focus on the customer, the building and the employee. By contrast, further unpacking the bundle of technological drivers of change in the mould of the Fourth Industrial Revolution yields a rather more optimistic picture regarding the job creation potential of technologies such as Big Data an… The exponential development of information and communication technologies (ICT) means that, just five years from now, collaborative technologies will be at least 10 times better than they are today, and 100 times better ten years from now. training), the changes are reaching the office and making the way we work look nothing it did a few short years ago. That 2020 is an election year will only make an already complex environment more bewildering. And in some cases, COVID-19 has forced the pendulum of … 1. Economists are conflicted about whether there’s trouble on the horizon. According to those: 1) Employees are projected to stay longer in the workforce in the coming years, which means that basically five generations of workers from diverse backgrounds will work together in collaborative teams. Other influential megatrends surveyors responded as highly affecting work towards 2020 include globalization, sustainability and economic growth. Therefore, technology development is changing the nature of work, by allowing us to work smarter and more innovatively. 1. ... 4 Major Marketing Trends for 2020 … The first thing is to work on a personalized relationship with your employees. As documented by David Deming, associate professor of Education and Economics at Harvard University, we now see that automation does not translate to higher unemployment rates. As business cycles are moving at accelerating speeds, the global community is coming together into a constantly connected, vibrant network. Source: ISS … Towards the year 2020, the most influential mega trends affecting the way people work include technological development, globalization and sustainability. We have never lived in a time of faster and more transformative technology innovation. Virtual Work is Here to Stay. Data are increasingly the driving force behind not only commercial decisions, but choices regarding user experience and really, all facets of your product and company life. Competition between agencies and organizations is increasing as more and more players enter the field. 3) Cultural diversity will eventually mean that businesses will need to incorporate a broader set of values than today. Companies are tending to be cautious, though, and may be trying to adopt leaner, meaner hiring and recruiting strategies for the year. Coherent with organizational changes affecting work in 2020, technology development enables new work practices, greater mobility, and virtual working, to name just a few examples. Before we explain how 5G works, it’s probably a good idea to explain what 5G actually is. These developments could also lead to intra-organizational “turf” battles, as it challenges organizations’ abilities to manage and analyse data flows. So, in order to ensure that your business adapts and thrives, you need to learn to be flexible. They are driven by a sense of shared purpose, which means that they need to have a strong sense of their part in the ‘bigger picture’ to bring their best results to the workplace. According to the 2020 workplace theory, over 36% of the workforce will consist of people born after the baby boomer generation. Organizations like IBM and a number of startups are rolling out intelligent assistants, or chatbots, to handle the early stages of employee recruitment, answer mundane HR questions or personalize learning experiences. The coronavirus has upended the lives of millions of Americans. But what does this practically mean for the future of your organization and how can you prepare for the upcoming workplace trends? A simple overview of the future workplace experience shows a much more dynamic, fluid and digital environment, one that is able to answer multiple requirements with single, one-stop solutions. CNBC Make It talked to experts to find out how the future of work has been impacted by Covid-19. Cloud technologies for example can break down barriers within an organization and remove the obstacles for collaboration within and among organizations. This is all fine and well, but what do you need to do in practice to keep up with the workplace trends that are speeding towards us all? Professional leagues and teams will need to accelerate their “augmentation” strategies through gaming and streaming, including from fan-less venues. This didn’t necessarily surprise us: As we lost the ability to connect in unscripte… An economic downturn may also mean more applicants in the pool for fewer jobs. So, as the global workplace is being reshaped, all you have to do to keep growing is to turn to your employees and adapt to the technological advances that are outlined in this brief but focused, overview of coming workplace trends. Private cloud vs on-premise: Which is better for your organization? And more importantly, all of these are fast becoming the norm in response to today’s workplace trends for companies that understand millennials and know that the 2020 workplace needs to be more dynamic, purpose-driven and versatile. According to ISS’ 2020 Vision study into New Ways of Working, technological development is seen as the most important megatrend influencing the way people will work towards 2020. They expect to learn and work the same way that they entertain themselves – online. Share your comments below. Top 24 Educational Trends For 2020 Thursday February 7, 2019 Every year we are seeing a change of trends in almost all sectors and the case is no different in the field of education. While companies may be flooded with applicants for open positions, they tend to receive more unqualified or stretch appli… This isn’t a gimmick or a shortcut, either: these workplace trends are correlated with the expectations of millennials both as consumers and as employees. One of our key project management trends from 2019 was an increase in competitiveness, a trend that is still relevant to 2020 as it places more importance on risk management. Naturally, this is already resulting in the death of the single skillset. Specifically for the global FM and services industry, technology removes obstacles for collaboration among organizations, enables change and creates an opportunity for FM to help reorganize workplaces and make them more effective. Our ten trends and ten competencies have been compiled from a literature review that includes whitepapers, research reports, government(s) data sources, studies and surveys, books and more, tapping the minds of leading authorities in each of the ten trend areas (see graphic … The majority of workforce 2020 predictions focus on the way that the average workplace will change with regard to demographics. Sales of AR/VR headsets are projected to grow nearly 25% in 2020, and 10-fold over five years. Millennials are all about convenience, connectivity, and functionality. Being able to harness the power of the numbers is a really valuable skill today and it will only increase in significance in the years to come. With companies struggling to develop a learning culture and failing to provide the mentoring and formal training that millennials need to thrive in the workplace, this can spell trouble for future growth. Home According to data from job seekers and recruiters, most employers (58%) report fears about job security, and even more (67%) of employers report these concerns. How exactly does this work? The bottom line is that companies are simply unprepared for how flexible the 2020 workforce will be. Still, don’t let that discourage you. A knowledge worker uses research skills to define a problem, identify possible solutions, communicatie this information and then works on one or several of these possible solutions. By 2020, around 40% of the American workforce is expected to be working from home; this has been a huge supporting factor in the rise of athleisure, because people … This blog post is based on ISS’ New Ways of Working whitebook. FM providers will need to provide flexible, networked infrastructures that allow users from different companies to utilize networks and peripherals. Recession or no recession? Another important skillset that foreseeable workplace trends bring to the stage is data literacy, meaning the ability to work with and interpret data in meaningful ways. The rise of knowledge workers sets new requirements for … McKinsey’s Global Energy Perspective 2021, an annual report, analyzes the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has permanently shifted energy-demand curves. This means that companies will have to radically rethink all of their internal interactions, especially those involving their human capital: namely how to approach, deploy, develop and retain people. Currently, there is a significant gap between millennial workforce needs and what the workplace offers. Do you have a question for us? We do this based on thorough industry research, theory, practice and by engaging the foremost experts to express their visions and thoughts in the most influential way possible. Millennials in the workplace By 2020, millennials are expected to make up about 50% of the workforce, and by 2025 this number is projected to be 75%. Whether you refer to them as game changers, predictions or megatrends, taking a critical look at the potential events of the future that will shape the world in the coming years is a crucial part of managing a business today. Organizations like IBM and a number of startups are rolling out intelligent assistants, or chatbots, to handle the early stages of employee recruitment, answer mundane HR questions or personalize learning experiences. However, with the rise of artificial intelligence and the proliferation of big data as a driver for business decisions (not to mention an important part of A.I. The Global Brain The Internet of Things is already here and, by 2020, over 30 billion devices will be connected. Intranet-based interaction systems are now the norm for a lot of businesses that see better performance results from engaging their employees in their internal social platform. What are your thoughts, do you agree or disagree? Technology today is driving trends in the world around us. Marketing trends can explode in a matter of hours, making it critical to predict the eventuality before it happens. training), the changes are reaching. Little did we know how powerful the foreshadowing was when we wrote in the prologue of this year’s Global Human Capital Trends report: “Much in the same way that we started the decade in uncertainty, we appear to be headed back into a period of uncertainty.” With the rest of the world, we watched in disbelief as the … If companies want to harness the massive potential of this future workforce, they need to start incorporating the tools and technologies that enable their productivity. We see ‘deep learning’ inspired by artificial ‘neural networks’ and evolved ‘augmented reality’. Microsoft is predicting that the coronavirus pandemic will change how we work and learn forever. We’ve known this for over two decades. Though the future of work may often seem murky now, it is assuring to know that many of the present aspects of work that we are so used to today, were once mere predictions…or science fiction! So he made do with the technology at … To remain valuable as employees, training for 2020 workplace trends will need to focus on developing a combination of technological and interpersonal skills to span the functions of finance, marketing, operations, supply chain and Human Resources. Book a demo now and see why our diverse portfolio of customers consistently give us 5 stars (out of 5! The technological revolution has already changed the way we live and work, and there are still changes to come. Design thinking and sentiment analysis are used to innovate in the workplace and increase employee engagement. Towards the year 2020, the most influential mega trends affecting the way people work include technological development, globalization and sustainability. Microsoft has seen a big shift in how people use its products and how work will shift in the future. The importance of training: Why invest in learning & development, 7 top tips to identify in-house eLearning mentors, 4 reasons your employees want lifelong learning, Why franchises need standardized training (and how to do it). The 6 most effective employee engagement strategies, 5 Tips for Setting Up an Employee Training and Development Plan, How To Engage Millennials: 5 Important Moves. Fifty-three million Americans work independently (according to the Freelancers Union), nearly 34 percent of the work force. Referendums for expansion are expected on the 2020 ballot in at least four states. ), 6 Unconventional Social Learning Activities To Consider For Your Corporate eLearning Course, Employees are projected to stay longer in the workforce in the coming years. This enables huge opportunities in all areas of life: politics, education, media, health, commerce and leisure. Giving them fast and easy access to a system where they can receive the training and mentoring they need on demand will help them (and your business) thrive in the 2020 workplace. This translates to an average of three additional meetings per week per employee. Come 2020, they will be critically important to the 3.7 million workers, or 2.8% of the workforce, who are expected to work remotely at least half of the time and will not have direct access to an HR department. ... For those ready to put in the work, we put together a checklist of ways to approach your social media accounts to make sure you’re spending your energy in the most effective way possible. When people closed their work offices and opened up their home offices, our weekly meeting time suddenly jumped 10 percent. CONTACT US, These mega trends will have the greatest impact on work towards 2020, 9 megatrends that every FM provider should know, ISS’ 2020 Vision study into New Ways of Working, organizational changes affecting work in 2020, Cloud technologies for example can break down barriers within an organization, Creating a safer workplace with PURE SPACE, ISS China on reopening and the new normal in the workplace, 3 major facility management outsourcing trends for 2020, Top 3 traits of a successful Facility Manager, How to optimize business outcomes through workspace and service design. Times are a-changing and so is the world. Chatbots deliver unmatched personalized learning and development for employees. These brands build their entire core structure and organizational ethos around the experience of their employees. Cloud computing is firmly established as the new normal for enterprise IT. Roughly 7 out of 10 employees experienced at least some increase in meetings, and the increase didn’t discriminate by function—we saw it across our engineering, product, and business teams. According to research, more than 22% of millennials expect a response within 10 minutes of reaching out to a consumer brand or their employer internally when they need mentoring or assistance. This fact alone means that the workplace can change dramatically, facing the collision of generations, but at the same time will boast a more diverse workforce. The work conducted is non-routine and often requires a significant degree of creative thinking and problem-solving skills. On the contrary – as machines take over mundane tasks, employers expect more complex, creative and varied functions from their people. 1. Being able to harness the power of the numbers is a really valuable skill today and it will only increase in significance in the years to come. As cloud computing rapidly proliferates enterprise IT, CIOs must pay attention to four aspects of cloud computing that will affect their adoption of services in 2020. HR departments are now turning to research principles, such as design thinking and sentiment analysis to better understand and serve the needs of the 2020 workforce. Marked by continuous digital transformation, re-industrialisation and regulatory changes, Malaysia’s job market is geared for significant positive changes in the coming year, says recruiting experts Hays, as part of the country’s top 10 talent trends for 2020. After Newsom’s order, factory workers were still reporting to the plant but Pineda was required to work from home. Here is a look ahead to 10 of the trends Retail Dive is watching most closely. This number is expected to hit 50 percent by 2020. Across all our topics, we have one single goal; to enrich our readers with ideas and thoughts that help them become more courageous and creative in their work now and in the future. As a result, enabling the reconfiguration of businesses and industries driven by ubiquitous mobile technologies. At the recent Chief Marketing Officer Roundtable at IMD, I was asked what I think will define the future of marketing. In the meantime, companies are bracing themselves for an influx of millennials who are expected transform the work environment in almost every aspect, shaping ‘the 2020 workplace’. The important thing about millennials is not the fact that they might bring new approaches, ideas, values or styles of working, it’s that there are going to be so many of them. But we're more than halfway through 2019, so it's time to ask: What big tech changes are going to affect the way we live and work in 2020? 10 min read. FM contracts will have to be renegotiated to bring companies together in new ways. Today, even as economies have restarted, fuel demand remains subdued. By 2020, employee experience is equally important for company success. Out of these trends, we identify ten leadership competencies that we think will be critical for 2020 leaders. Unlike previous generations, millennials look further than job stability, competitive salaries and benefits to be committed and loyal to a company. And about half (46%) of workers expect their employment to alter in the wake of COVID-19, whether by switching to remote work, "increased health and safety protocols (either formally or personally enforced), and residual emo… However, with the rise of artificial intelligence and the proliferation of big data as a driver for business decisions (not to mention an important part of A.I.