However, after he was chosen to inherit the Armored Titan, Reiner gained a newfound self-confidence, though it was quickly shattered when Marcel revealed that he was not chosen for his abilities. Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime! Reiner uses this form to break down the inner gate of Wall Maria and actively uses it after he reveals his identity and objective to Eren. Reiner tells him to simply do what he needs to and keep moving forward. Historia is noted for being very cute; this, coupled with her kindness, sometimes caused her classmates to refer to her as an angel or a goddess. Having to kill Marco seems to have been the final straw for him, causing him to snap and developing psychological issues. They caught Eren coming out of the Rogue Titan’s nape and understood that he processed some sort of shifter’s ability and that Attack Titan (missing for years) was with him. With everything to lose, Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt infiltrated the walls looking to end the mission. His death is shocking because it results in Eren’s gaining the Titan power. Reiner is the only character to share a song with another character. Despite the fact that they are enemies now, Reiner harbors little to no malice towards his former comrades, only sarcastically referring to them as "devils" while humanizing their actions and beliefs before his family. Chapter 103 followed Eren Jaeger and the Survey Corps as they continued their assault on Marley. Following Reiner's regeneration, the Armored Titan emerges, ready to rejoin the fight. Do you think Reiner will be the next character to go in the series? of the Warriors and the main protagonist of Attack on Titan from the Marleyan perspective. Eventually, he was selected as a child to become one of Marley's Warriors. Reiner, suspecting that the meeting is being bugged by Marleyan officials, immediately interrupts Galliard and agrees to the plan. He was also very gullible, never doubting the words of his mother and superiors. The Armored Titan is capable of assuming human form at will, due to the intelligence it demonstrates in appearing to work with the Colossal Titan in breaching Wall Maria. With the injuries they have sustained, both Reiner and Bertholdt transform into their respective Titans. Even after blowing his and Bertholdt's cover, he initially still continued to shift between his two personas. However, rather than transform, Eren suggests that they listen to Willy's play. Because of his motivation, Reiner was very desperate to become a Warrior, even going as far as to accuse Galliard of being an Eldian spy when he belittled him. Reiner grabs a visibly shocked and betrayed Eren and descends down the wall. However, they hear a loud almost thunder-like noise and head out to investigate but discover Ymir returning to camp with Daz who is tended to by the others indoors.[17]. Historia is a petite young woman and the smallest soldier from the 104th Training Corps, from which the central cast originates. As a child, Reiner was rather quiet and meek yet at the same time very loyal and driven. He joined the Scout Regiment after graduating 2nd in the 104th Cadet Corps. They wait long enough for her to retrieve Christa, then Reiner transforms into the Armored Titan and begins running away from the forest with the rest of the group riding on his shoulders. While fighting Eren, it has been noted that it has high agility and is capable of moving at a fast momentum, despite its seemingly heavy weight and being low on stamina. He tries to reassure Reiner before he leaves to get help. Reiner starts to tell him to stop thinking about it when Ymir breaks out with a mocking laugh. As a member of the Scout Regiment, he wears the wings of freedom jacket over his standard military uniform, with a green shirt underneath. 2 Die: Eren They are to take their horses and evacuate all nearby homes and settlements under the assumption that Wall Rose has been breached. However, Reiner falls to the floor in guilt, insisting that the events of five years ago were his fault. ... Love Till Death (Mikasa x Male Reader) *Different AU* Completed 6 weeks ago Lissana . 'Attack On Titan' Sets Up [SPOILER'S] Death. When he learned the truth of his friend's death, Reiner told him that he shouldn't be forgiven and that he sympathizes with his anger. He has also grown taller. As Reiner and Gabi are walking to the Warriors' base the next morning, Reiner notices that Gabi is no longer bragging about her accomplishments, claiming that she is acting strange. The veterans and recruits split into four teams and Reiner volunteers to go south with Conny's group and help him to his village, even though it is likely to be the most dangerous and closest to any possible breach. Bertholdt is embarrassed at his suggestion but Reiner admits he is known about his crush for sometime, and believes Bertholdt should go for it. Reiner is brought in to consult with Marley's officials to help them coordinate an assault on Paradis Island based off of his knowledge from living there for five years. The franchise has never shied away from the loss of its characters, and lots of big soldiers have died over the years. In casual attire, Reiner wears a dark gray button-down shirt with rolled up sleeves and dark green pants with a brown belt. Clip from Attack On Titan Season 2 Epsoide 4 タイタンシーズン2のエピソード4の攻撃からクリップ The weight of Reiner’s sins are heavy upon his shoulders, but Attack on Titan may have more in store for him. ", Reiner's psychological issues resemble those of, Reiner is one of eight characters to have his own character song. Reiner explains that they did so as part of their plan to infiltrate the Walls and observe the King's reaction. Though it wasn't explored much in the manga nor anime, Hajime Isayama, the creator of Attack On Titan, did reveal that Reiner was the person that Eren looked up to the most. After getting beaten up, Reiner tackled her and declared his resolve to become the leader as Bertolt agreed to continue the operation. Reiner was noted by Keith Sadies to have exceptional mental and physical fortitude, as well as a great ability to gain the confidence of his comrades. Its eyes are covered by white, organic lenses, and it has short, silver hair. Conny, Mikasa, and Armin arrive shortly afterward, with an abnormal Titan in tow that promptly begins to kill the Titans swarming the outside of the building. As they leave to explore, Reiner momentarily mistakes the children for his own childhood friends. Reiner is especially impressed with Eren's will to enlist despite watching his mother being devoured by a Titan. Reiner Braun has been MIA for some time now, and fans were worried something had happened to the longstanding fighter. [14], After the attack, Reiner and his allies enter a refugee camp inside Wall Rose. Bertolt Hoover- Attack on Titan. It is h… I don't know what's right anymore. He begs Eren to kill him, wanting "to vanish.". Attack On Titan: Why Did Eren Tell Reiner They Were The Same? This prompts Falco to make light of the Armored Titan, and Reiner threatens to report Falco for speaking out of turn. After being defeated, it is discovered by Hange that Reiner had been carrying a metal case with him during the battle. Attack on Titan: The Harsh Mistress of the City, Attack on Titan Choose Your Path Adventure, Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death, That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2, A Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Adolescence, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, Numerous members of the Garrison Regiment, When designing Reiner, Isayama took the eyes and eyebrows of, Reiner's bulky body is not the result of his training from his time in the, According to Isayama, if the 104th Cadet Corps had an arm wrestling competition, Reiner would place second, losing only to. The others being Levi, Erwin, Mikasa, Bertholdt, Eren, Armin and Jean. After the battle, Reiner recovers from his injuries in a hospital. Assigned to stand by at the edge of the Forest of Giant Trees and act as bait for the Titans, Reiner repeatedly expresses concern about what is going on inside the forest. Demon Slayer: When Will Season Two Debut? He is knocked down by Mikasa's Thunder Spear and left confused as to how his Titan could have been damaged so easily, having lost all memory of the events following his farewell to Bertholdt. [10] He also suffers from constant nightmares about his near-death experiences and frequently sees memories of his childhood. Alongside the other Warriors, the six Titans crushed an entire nation, leading to them being regarded as a stronger group than their predecessors. Because of his motivation, Reiner was very desperate to become a Warrior, even going as far as to accuse Porco Galliard of being an Eldian spy when he belittled him. Sometimes, Reiner would not be able to remember who he really was until Bertholdt reminded him which saddened his friend. According to Isayama, amongst his fellow 104th squadmates, Reiner is the most popular boy. If You Needed Marcel, Then I'll Be Marcel." Reiner remains quiet as the other Warriors discuss Falco's progress and Colt expresses concern over Falco becoming a Warrior. He was Eren's greatest hero and he aspired to be just like him until finding out that he was responsible for the death of his mother. He cannot stop thinking about the strangely immobile Titan on his house though. He is the illegitimate son of an Eldian mother and a Marleyan father who grew up in Liberio's internment zone. Eren is horrified by the truth, as he initially believed that his father was missing. In addition to this, Reiner started to develop a negative perception towards himself, believing he was supposed to have failed in becoming a Warrior and that he should have been the one to die instead of Marcel. Reiner also suffers later from depression and has suicidal attempt (he puts gun into his mouth), which is something that some of patients with DID suffers from too). Gabi accuses Reiner of lying about his time on Paradis Island, but Reiner claims that he has nothing to lie about. - March 12, 2018 09:28 pm EDT. The Scout Regiment tries to rescue Eren, but they are kept at bay by the Colossal Titan's steam. When Reiner invaded Paradis as a kid, he came with his friends Annie, Bertholdt and Marcel. In German, the word "Braun" means "Brown.