When you're deciding on an excellent lure to use for largemouth, you want to pick something that you think best matches what the fish are eating. This site is loaded with information on every style of bass lure and the best techniques to use with them. Largemouth bass and smallmouth bass each have different qualities that make them independent feeders. Second, this option comes with a pack of ten, which is enough to last you a while because theyâre durable, and they donât break apart easily. Here are a few things Iâve learned from other bass fishermen, my family, and my experiences. We've written a guide on the best Heddon Spook colors for largemouth bass that you should check out! Overall, this is one of the best topwater lures largemouth bass cannot resist. Drop the lure among the submerged timber brush, jigging the lure up and down; This will cause the lure to resemble a dying shad. It dives to an incredible maximum depth of 20ft and casts farther than others as well. Largemouth bass think your baitfish presentation is wounded and will take their opportunity at an easy meal. Largemouth bass are actually members of the sunfish family and count bluegill and pumpkinseed sunfish as cousins. They are the #1 Best Seller in the Fishing Jig Category on Amazon with 4.6 stars and over 1000 reviews. 3. See more ideas about bass lures, largemouth bass, largemouth bass lures. Spinnerbait is considered to be the most versatile lure to catch big largemouth bass. If youâre fishing in a small pond, lake, or river, itâs also good to know that bass don’t travel very far. As I said at the beginning of the article, a lot of fishing tricks and tips are subjective to the individual. We advise using this worm in summertime conditions or when largemouth are aggressively feeding on baitfish. The four blades reflect light really well, so it makes the one lure appear like a school of fish in the water. You are given the option to unsubscribe at any time. Finally, the sun plays a significant role in the success of your spinnerbait fishing for largemouth bass. Now let’s talk about using a soft plastic lure. You canât use the same strategy you use when the water is warm, no matter what way you look at it. They are also related to smallmouth bass, spotted bass and rock (red-eye) bass. The lureâs combination of sound, vibration, shimmer and bubble trail adds up to create a package that few bass can resist. Younger largemouth bass sometimes congregate in schools, but adults are usually solitary. So thereâs a useful introduction to the best largemouth bass lures. It creates the perfect "walk the dog" effect and is exceptionally versatile. When you pair that with the noise and presentation, you’ll have the best largemouth bass lure. Expect a hit on the downward motion of the lure. When fishing open water you also want to increase the size of your lures. This will often promote a reaction strike from the fish and get you hooked up right away! If you don't know any anglers yourself who rave about this lure, look at the reviews it has on Amazon. In 2014 the Bassmaster Classic was held at Lake Guntersville and Angler Randy Howell came away with the overall win by utilizing the bridge technique. You can also use spinnerbaits jigged vertically, or just cast the lure and retrieve it with a slight vertical pulling action. Many involve catching bass with lures fished in the unlikeliest of places and under circumstances offering the least prospect of success. The Z-man Chatterbait Elite is an exceptional topwater bait for fishing largemouth bass. Best Bass Lures of 2020 Fill your tackle box with top-notch baits from this Pro Tips collection of the year’s best. Lipless crankbaits can be used in every situation. It's essential to have a bait such as the, The worm is prevalent and is exceptional in waters deeper than 10 - 15 feet. There are worms, grubs, jerk baits, crawfish, and more. The Heddon Super Spook is truly a phenomenal lure to catch largemouth bass. As I said at the beginning of the article, a lot of fishing tricks and tips are subjective to the individual. With that, you also want to alter the size of your swimbait based on where you’re fishing. If you want to learn more about Gary Yamamoto Senko Worms, here's a helpful guide! I always recommend using them wacky style. Other lure manufacturers haven't perfected this style worm yet, so these guys have the edge over the competition. From the west side of the USA all the way over to Asian countries like Japan. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you don't have this bait, you are missing out, and you're about to start catching a whole lot more fish. The Brush guard will keep the unwanted weeds, sticks, and grasses off your jig without reducing your hook up ratio. Plastic soft worm also can enhance to catch a big largemouth bass. The lure also has a tremendous body-to-hook ratio, which means you'll avoid getting your line tangled in the hooks every cast like other crankbaits. The Z-man lure brand is known in the angler community to produce exceptional quality baits. When all else fails, you can rely on a trusty lipless crankbait to get the job done. You should now have all the tools you need to catch more largemouth bass! Brand X Baits State Record Challenge! Use these tactics to catch more bass right now. While the Largemouth Bass are in creeks and streams, theyâll gorge themselves in anticipation of the upcoming winter months so give them something to eat like leeches, worms and crayfish. First, you want to only purchase these from a reputable company with a history of creating high-quality products. It has a stronger cover and structure than others. Trophy sized bass are older and wiser, and have seen the same lures pass by them year after year. YourBassGuy. Largemouth Bass Lure Fishing Information. Stick baits belong to a larger category of bass fishing lures known as topwater baits. And bass enjoy feeding on dying shad. The best thing about bass is that they don’t have a season; you can find them all year long. Amazingly, he doesnât have a lure sponsor. If you're fishing from shore, you'll want to prioritize your cast placement and try to get your spinner as close to the bank as possible. You can fish fast, with a ⦠We break down the top 5 best bass lures based on their proven ability to catch bass, their versatility, and the opinions of many seasoned bass fishermen. Not only are they durable and well built, but they've been shown to outperform the competition. Overall, itâs a great big mouth bass lure. One of the crankbaits' best qualities is that they can be fished faster than other lures, allowing you to cover more water. If you're not already using Senkos, you're in luck because this tip will make you catch far more largemouth. BrandXBaits wants you to think Big Bass. Keep both lipless crankbaits and square bill crankbaits in your tacklebox. And on those last warm days of fall, when bass suspend throughout a bed to absorb a little of the sunâs warmth, thereâs no better lure to fish than a lipless crankbait. 2 Smallmouth and Largemouth for dinner. Bass Fishing is Evolving. There are a few things to remember about soft plastic worms and baits. Brand X Baits State Record Challenge! Realism is also crucial in many bass fishing situations. Great little lures for Sunfish, Bluegill, perch, and crappie, bass, small largemouth bass, panfish, smallies, spotted bass, and even a small northern pike on these 5 Piece small crankbaits, They sink slowly, Great action and stays down in the water column but wonât dive to the bottom and get hung If you're a passionate angler like us, we know you'll like our other content. Equally important you need to determine if itâs freshwater fishing to get the right hook material.. As well as the species difference, you have to consider the time of day you're fishing, what the weather's like, and what the fish are used to eating. I didn’t mention crankbaits or jigs in this article but they’re also solid options for bass fishing. As well as the species difference, you have to consider the time of day you're fishing, what the weather's like, and what the fish are used to eating. It's essential to have a bait such as the Strike King Dream Shot that's flexible enough to perform well. You want it to fall into the top of the vegetation and get hung, attracting nearby bass. Internet Explorer wonât be supported for long. This worm is one of Googan Bait's top-selling products for a reason. Best Largemouth Bass Lures Fishing is an amazing hobby and hunting largemouth bass makes it more thrilling as they are interesting and fairly easy to fish. Virgil is the grandfather of our founder and Editor-in-Chief. It currently has 4.7 Stars from over 1600 reviews, and it's been awarded the #1 Topwater Fishing Lure. When going for largemouth bass fishing it is important to get the things right. This bait has a wide variety of applications and fishing situations. When fishing for largemouth bass with soft plastic lures, the best option is to use rubber or plastic worms. When fishing with chatterbaits, the most important thing to remember is to create a commotion. The largemouth bass lures are definitely reusable multiple times, as long as they are not damaged. Largemouth Bass Fishing Fishing for Largemouth Bass Largemouth Bass Fishing Largemouth bass fishing is the most popular freshwater sport fish in the world. You can use the bar at the top of this page to navigate our website, or click. If youâre fishing in the morning and evening, youâll want to look around vegetation, stumps, rocky ledges, docks, buildings, and wreckage of any kind. Your lure should have a neon-like color orange or green, so it stands out in the water. The crankbait by Strike King also has the best rattling sounds on the market. In this post, we'll only be discussing largemouth bass, but if you're interested in smallies, you can look at this post about smallmouth bass lures. If you're a passionate angler like us, we know you'll like our other content. ... Tube jigs imitate one of the smallmouth and largemouth bassâs favorite food which is the crayfish. The largemouth bass is the most popular freshwater game fish in the U.S. The curled tail design also gives the Mondo Worm a fluttering action as it drifts through the water. Every angler can attest that the best bass lure is the one with a fish at the end of it. And heâs since won $2 Million dollars as one of the most decorated anglers in the history of the largemouth-rich Sunshine State. In this guide, we discuss the best largemouth bass lures and when to fish each bait. March Madness is upon us, and this month can be an outstanding time for landing lunkers if you pick a winning game plan. The largemouth bass is distributed across the world because of itâs great fishing. Lipless crankbaits offer the best imitation of the baitfish largemouth bass are feeding on, and they can be easier to control when fishing them correctly. Expect a hit on the downward motion of the lure. Since most of these lures are made from molds, anyone and their brother can make a soft plastic lure. Heddon is one of the most well-known lure manufacturers and is one of those companies endorsed by dozens of professional anglers. {"items":["5fdac1609b2f460017646dcd","5fdbb384df48cd00174c96cf","5fdb9ce52640740017d2e120","5fda54dcd75c5c0017a2434a","5fdb8b252bc07d00178274df"],"styles":{"galleryType":"Columns","groupSize":1,"showArrows":true,"cubeImages":true,"cubeType":"max","cubeRatio":1.7777777777777777,"isVertical":true,"gallerySize":30,"collageAmount":0,"collageDensity":0,"groupTypes":"1","oneRow":false,"imageMargin":50,"galleryMargin":0,"scatter":0,"rotatingScatter":"","chooseBestGroup":true,"smartCrop":false,"hasThumbnails":false,"enableScroll":true,"isGrid":true,"isSlider":false,"isColumns":false,"isSlideshow":false,"cropOnlyFill":false,"fixedColumns":0,"enableInfiniteScroll":true,"isRTL":false,"minItemSize":50,"rotatingGroupTypes":"","rotatingCropRatios":"","columnWidths":"","gallerySliderImageRatio":1.7777777777777777,"numberOfImagesPerRow":3,"numberOfImagesPerCol":1,"groupsPerStrip":0,"borderRadius":0,"boxShadow":0,"gridStyle":0,"mobilePanorama":false,"placeGroupsLtr":true,"viewMode":"preview","thumbnailSpacings":4,"galleryThumbnailsAlignment":"bottom","isMasonry":false,"isAutoSlideshow":false,"slideshowLoop":false,"autoSlideshowInterval":4,"bottomInfoHeight":0,"titlePlacement":"SHOW_BELOW","galleryTextAlign":"center","scrollSnap":false,"itemClick":"nothing","fullscreen":true,"videoPlay":"hover","scrollAnimation":"NO_EFFECT","slideAnimation":"SCROLL","scrollDirection":0,"scrollDuration":400,"overlayAnimation":"FADE_IN","arrowsPosition":0,"arrowsSize":23,"watermarkOpacity":40,"watermarkSize":40,"useWatermark":true,"watermarkDock":{"top":"auto","left":"auto","right":0,"bottom":0,"transform":"translate3d(0,0,0)"},"loadMoreAmount":"all","defaultShowInfoExpand":1,"allowLinkExpand":true,"expandInfoPosition":0,"allowFullscreenExpand":true,"fullscreenLoop":false,"galleryAlignExpand":"left","addToCartBorderWidth":1,"addToCartButtonText":"","slideshowInfoSize":200,"playButtonForAutoSlideShow":false,"allowSlideshowCounter":false,"hoveringBehaviour":"NEVER_SHOW","thumbnailSize":120,"magicLayoutSeed":1,"imageHoverAnimation":"NO_EFFECT","imagePlacementAnimation":"NO_EFFECT","calculateTextBoxWidthMode":"PERCENT","textBoxHeight":113,"textBoxWidth":200,"textBoxWidthPercent":50,"textImageSpace":10,"textBoxBorderRadius":0,"textBoxBorderWidth":0,"loadMoreButtonText":"","loadMoreButtonBorderWidth":1,"loadMoreButtonBorderRadius":0,"imageInfoType":"ATTACHED_BACKGROUND","itemBorderWidth":1,"itemBorderRadius":0,"itemEnableShadow":false,"itemShadowBlur":20,"itemShadowDirection":135,"itemShadowSize":10,"imageLoadingMode":"BLUR","expandAnimation":"NO_EFFECT","imageQuality":90,"usmToggle":false,"usm_a":0,"usm_r":0,"usm_t":0,"videoSound":false,"videoSpeed":"1","videoLoop":true,"jsonStyleParams":"","gallerySizeType":"px","gallerySizePx":292,"allowTitle":true,"allowContextMenu":true,"textsHorizontalPadding":-30,"itemBorderColor":{"themeName":"color_12","value":"rgba(242,242,242,0.75)"},"showVideoPlayButton":true,"galleryLayout":2,"calculateTextBoxHeightMode":"MANUAL","textsVerticalPadding":-15,"targetItemSize":292,"selectedLayout":"2|bottom|1|max|true|0|true","layoutsVersion":2,"selectedLayoutV2":2,"isSlideshowFont":true,"externalInfoHeight":113,"externalInfoWidth":0},"container":{"width":254,"galleryWidth":304,"galleryHeight":0,"scrollBase":0,"height":null}}. A strong recommendation for a lipless crankbait that catches Largemouth Bass is the Strike King Red Eye Shad Crankbait. This feature allows you to create a ridiculous presentation in the water. With this strategy, you want to cast it close to shore, let it fall for 3-5 seconds, pull it one rod-length up, reel in the slack, and repeat. This will be different depending on the regions and climate that you live in. Bass Fishing is Evolving. To say that one lure is the best over another is usually subjective to the individual, but I will say that I went to the ends of the Earth to find some lures that are a bit unique and some that you’ll already know and love. Remember that a lot of fishing has to do with your technique. And he’s since won $2 Million dollars as one of the most decorated anglers in the history of the largemouth-rich Sunshine State. If you hear a "popping" or "gurgling" sound coming from weed mats along the shoreline, it's from bluegill feeding on micro-organisms in the algae. Dec 5, 2015 - Learn about the multitude of options you have to catch Largemouth Bass with artificial lures. These come in both soft and hard styles, but the ones I’ve recommended to you are hard segmented swimbaits. First of all you need to know the structure of where you will be fishing. If you fish the small pond behind your neighbor’s house, you wouldn’t want to go in with a two-ounce swimbait because you’ll intimidate the bass, and they’ll never bite. The wide range of Dream Shot color options includes Watermelon Red, Green Pumpkin, and Bold Bluegill, to name a few. That said, here is where expertise starts to kick in. Let’s get into some more detail about how to use each of them to your advantage. What is Large Mouth Bass Lures? The largemouth bass is vastly popular gamefish in some regions of North America. If youâre fishing in cold water, reduce your lure size. Other brands use a solid piece of plastic to make their Jigs weedless, which is less effective. Winter fishing techniques require finesse, but they also require a bit of preparation. Bass can be difficult to predict, but in this post, we will be unveiling the world's best largemouth bass lures to help you catch fish under, In this post, we'll only be discussing largemouth bass, but if you're interested in smallies, you can look at this post about, There are tons of different styles of plastic worms. The opposite is true as well because they’ll take any amount of light you have and create a reflection even if it’s an overcast day. The coloration is flashy enough to attract largemouth, but it keeps a realistic and approachable design. Largemouth Bass Lure Fishing Information. Terry “Big Show” Scroggins won his first bass tournament in Florida at the age of 12. I love powerbait because they come with a natural scent and attractant that largemouth bass love. With this method, the worm has the best natural presentation, and largemouth bass love the slow falling style. First, the appearance is natural, which makes it look like an actual shad. When fishing in clear water, use a naturally colored lure. You can fish shallow shady cover or deeper, main-lake haunts. Bass fishing is a an outdoor recreational sport that involves angling specifically for various species of bass. Best Lipless Crankbait: Spro Aruku Shad 75 Bait at Amazon "Comes with loud rattles that make it impossible for bass to ignore." I would recommend sticking to swimbaits of less than four inches in length because they’ll work more appropriately for the finesse style of fishing that works best for bass. That is a big mistake. You don't have to buy every lure in the tackle shop, however. Receive exclusive information about the most recent Bass Fishing Tackle. As a rule, the best largemouth bass lures imitate the appearance or development of the speciesâ regular prey, including baitfish, crayfish and little creatures of land and water. Choose Best Winter Bass Baits. Catch More Largemouth Bass. You need to look towards cover almost all the time. Deep diving crankbaits with rattling action are a must-have if you're serious about catching largemouth bass. After a few minutes of reading or watching some videos about how to create the presentation, you should have no problem catching almost anything. 2 Smallmouth and Largemouth for dinner. We were also surprised at how well this lure holds up. You should have in your arsenal of lures for fall bass fishing. This technique is a little bit too advanced to teach in this guide, but there are plenty of other resources available for this online. It's not abrasive and obnoxious like others, but it has just enough sound to make it even more tempting to largemouth bass when you knock it against obstacles. By Jason Haley. Largemouth bass often cluster around areas with lots of weeds and aquatic plants, so you should always try using weedless baits first. You can fish shallow shady cover or deeper, main-lake haunts. The gel-like paste can stay on lures for up to 30 casts. Theyâll stay close to their spawn for protection, and this is almost always around thick vegetation. The Zoom Super Fluke is an affordable and efficient largemouth bass lure. Terry âBig Showâ Scroggins won his first bass tournament in Florida at the age of 12. You can catch bass with any lure if you know what you’re doing. For this reason, loud and brightly colored lures work best. This factor is especially true during the spring when they are spawning. Conclusion. You can use these on a drop shot rig, you can use them on ledges, you can use them to mimic injured baitfish, and overall they are an exceptionally versatile bait to use. The Rapala Terminator Pro Jig is excellent for flipping, pitching, or bouncing along the shoreline. It seems strange, but there can be indicating sounds of some fish. Instead, work your lipless crankbait like a jig. Placing well in a largemouth bass tournament on Lake Guntersville, typically, requires at least 25-poinds.. This isnât turn and burn fishing. This jointed lure dives around six feet when you cast it, and with a slow reel action, you can create a brilliant presentation that is natural and noisy. These largemouth bass are commonly found in lake and rivers. Bass spawn in the spring, and they’ve started to feed again after the long winter. Strike King has released an entire line of color patterns to choose from unique 3D paintwork. Required fields are marked *. The blades reflect light, so they work well at creating attention on sunny days. You donât want to intimidate them too much because theyâll back off, figuring that itâs not worth the fight. The, Our team spends countless hours testing and researching bass lures to help you guys catch more fish when you're out on the water. How to Install a Fish Finder: Supplies, Location, and Methods. It's a rust-resistant bass lure that will stay intact even after the strongest blows from big largemouth. As the name implies, topwater baits attract fish by creating a disturbance on the surface of the water. For a better experience now, use another browser. There are tons of different styles of plastic worms. Often, you'll see silver minnows, bluegill, or schools of shad. We all know this is an effect that bass can't resist. Spinnerbait helps to catch largemouth bass in shallow water. They work exceptionally well in shallow and deep water, and you can retrieve them at any speed. Largemouth bass typically live 10 to 16 years depending on habitat and environment. I chose this option for beginners because itâs easy to jump right in and catch largemouth bass with this lure regardless of your level of experience. This flexibility is mainly due to how thin this worm is. Different jigs are designed for different techniques, but the most popular is the arkie jig. In general, jigs are meant to imitate crawfish or crayfish swimming along the bottom of a lake or river. An excellent way to identify baitfish species in your lake or river is to scan the shoreline. Avid largemouth bass fishermen plan largemouth bass fishing trips all throughout the year. Experiment with different weather conditions to understand how they impact bass behavior. With that said, this list would feel incomplete without this bait. Focus on causing as much commotion as you can by bumping your spinner into rocks and logs. If you're not already using Senkos, you're in luck because this tip will make you catch far more largemouth. Largemouth bass lures. We will never send promotions or annoying content to your email address. Best Jig: BiCO Original Lead Free Bass Jig at Amazon "Features a stand-up design perfect for skipping, flipping or fishing as a swim jig." When it comes to summer bass fishing, you’ve almost too many options. A good example of this is the noise bluegill makes when they feed in the summers. They will almost always hit it when it's falling, so be prepared to set the hook on your pull up! We recommend purchasing this bait from Amazon because of its great reputation, but it can be found in many different stores. Small and mobile, they can get into areas other lures canât. Whether you're bouncing from ledge to ledge, fishing in the grass, tagging deep water humps, casting into the flats, or working around stump fields, you'll be able to lure in the fish. Fish More: Different Types of Fishing Lures for Freshwater Fishing. If you take our advice and catch a big Largie with something you learned from this, we'd love to hear about it in the comments under this post! These guys will shred fish year-round and can be combined with almost any fishing style. When it comes to summer bass fishing, youâve almost too many options. They are quiet and that is why such lure particularly appeal largemouth bass. You should also always remember that crankbaits are "contact" lures, which means they work best when you're bumping them into objects. When the weather is warm, increase your lure size. Noise is essential when fishing for bass because theyâre naturally ornery. Colors range from natural bluegill imitations to vibrant yellow. It’s time to have some fun and talk about the best largemouth bass baits. During the middle of the day, youâll want to switch up your strategy. Iâm sure most of you will agree that spinnerbaits are one of the best largemouth bass fishing lures for a lot of reasons. The bait rattles by creating sonic vibrations inside the main body. If youâve read any of my articles, youâll know that I preach the same gospel over and over again. Even though it's large, it keeps a natural action in the water. When fishing for bass, one thing to remember is patience. Bass can be difficult to predict, but in this post, we will be unveiling the world's best largemouth bass lures to help you catch fish under any conditions. This type of lure is known to create a large splash in the water, so it’s known to a lot of bass anglers that you only want to use swimbaits when targeting big bass. This lure is perfect for fishing thick weed beds and areas with lots of lily pads.