The physical fitness plan you choose will depend on your goals, the activities you like, and other factors specific to you. . Chapter 2 New and Academic Vocabulary Write the correct vocabulary term under each definition. After Reading Sample answer: In external respiration, oxygen moves from the lungs into the blood, and carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the lungs. Identifying what is stressful is the first step in getting a handle on your stress. Physical, mental, and emotional consequences Name some physical consequences of marijuana use. In fact, research shows that the number one reason teenagers don. that has a negative exponent can be rewritten. Explain how self-esteem develops. Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on page(s) Bing Drinking and Alcohol Poisoning on page(s) 569. H. The blood s ability to carry oxygen is reduced. 3. The eggs mature with the onset of ovulation. Fad Diets Solutions Most teens should not diet. If you aren t able to teach all the lessons, try pairing this lesson with the Weighing Risks to Make Decisions, 404 405 409 At the middle school level, comprehensive health education: Includes functional knowledge and skills-based lessons on healthy eating and benefits of physical activity Is required in at least, Lesson Plan: Dealing with Stress Objective: Identify effects of stress on everyday issues and strategies to reduce or control stress. Which means the ability of your muscles to perform physical tasks over a period of time without tiring? Write your answer to item 13 in this space. Infection Description Cause Avian influenza Influenza occurring Passed to humans naturally among through direct contact birds with infected birds or contaminated surfaces West Nile virus A pathogen carried by insects that feed on infected birds Passed to humans by infected mosquitoes Salmonella and E. coli Bacteria in animals intestinal tracts Passed to humans through contaminated foods Chapter 23 Recreational water illnesses Infections caused by strains of bacterias Spread to humans through swallowing or contact with contaminated water How Diseases Affect the World on page(s) List some additional types of emerging infections HIV/AIDS Lyme disease SARS Mad cow disease Explain the relationship between faster, more advanced travel and the rapid spread of emerging diseases. New and Academic Vocabulary Unscramble each vocabulary term. If I behaved better, they wouldn t get so stressed out and have so much to fight about. Turn your textbook headings into questions and answer them. Read the chapter summaries when you study from a textbook. Yellow fever is caused by. negotiation 4. Let s go! 7. Get regular physical activity. Some cardiovascular problems are inherited; others result from illness, poor diet, or aging. Rewrite the sentences after you read, adding more to explain this relationship based on what you have learned. 1. After Reading Sample answer: One influence on my health I had not considered is culture. T Chapter T F A pregnant female should avoid physical activity in order to protect the health of her developing fetus. Which term describes the ability to accept yourself and others, adapt and manage emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in your life? Chapter 22 Slide 1: How Ecstasy Acts on the Body Ecstasy alters brain chemistry. T 13. A. nicotine substitutes Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Student Activity Workbook 261, 272 Teens and Tobacco on page(s) Identity some reasons for tobacco use among teens. Carla s Cranberry Currant juice makes your lips smack! After you have read the lesson carefully, use what you have learned to write a sentence describing the two parts of respiration. F. Al-Anon/Alateen G. Alcoholics Anonymous H. Mothers Against Drunk Driving J. Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Student Activity Workbook 61, 72 Academic Integration: English Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems NCTE.1 Reading for Perspective (Turn to pages for complete standard language.) A resource is a source of supply or support. skeletal muscle 6. Terrance: My BMI is 29, and I know I weigh too much. 1. Teens should get regular physical activity and follow the guidelines of MyPyramid. In one picture he has facial hair, and in the other he does not because it has not grown in yet or because he shaves. A. Cardiovascular disease B. Unhealthful weight gain C. Stroke D. Osteoporosis 4. Acceptance 4. Chapter 9 Directions: Choose the best answer and mark your responses in the answer space on the next page. What artwork will you include in your pamphlet? B. Question Sample question: What are some warning signs that a person may be considering suicide? This set is often saved in the same folder as. AGENDA Approx. F. Hallucinogenic drug G. Psychoactive drug H. Designer drug J. Stimulant Answer Space 1 A B C D 2 F G H J 3 A B C D 4 F G H J 5 A B C D 6 F G H J 7 A B C D 8 F G H J Chapter 22 Chapter 22 Student Activity Workbook 279, 290 Directions: Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. Directions: Research and contact one organization to learn how it is helping teens avoid medicine abuse. He knows that secondhand smoke is dangerous and does not want to risk his own health simply by being at home. 0078309131 Glencoe Health Student Workbook By Mcgraw. Choose personal skin-care products carefully to avoid irritation. Which is an event that influences another event? C. Most of the injuries to the skeletal system result from injuries on the playing field. extensor 7. Then, offer recommendations for healthy weight-management strategies. I can t decide if I should take math again next year or give it a rest. Some, Grades 3 to 5 Health Problems Series Teacher s Guide This guide includes: Standards Related Links Discussion Questions Activities for Students Reproducible Materials Standards, PSHE at key stages 1 4 Guidance on assessment, recording and reporting October 2005 QCA/05/2183 Contents About this guidance...2 What is this guidance for?...2 Why is assessment important?...2 Who is this, Bullying 101: Guide for Middle and High School Students A guide to the basics of bullying, what it is and isn t, the role of students, and tips on what you can do. Harassment C. Positive peer pressure D. Negative peer pressure 6. J. 4. B. 4. Companies apply for a patent for a new product or invention. New and Academic Vocabulary epidermis dermis melanin sebaceous glands melanoma hair follicles remove Write the correct vocabulary term under each definition. respiratory tract 5. Hemodialysis: In hemodialysis, a machine removes blood from the body and pumps it into a device called a dialyzer, which is an artificial kidney. Tess writes: Everyone says that you have to drink a lot of water every day. A. What can I do? New and Academic Vocabulary Unscramble each vocabulary term. Condude A ball on a light string moves in a vertical circle. List and briefly describe six types of families. Chapter 2: Building Health Skills and Character. Foodborne illness, is caused by bacteria and viruses that can occur naturally in animals and spread to food by unsafe conditions in the way they are raised or slaughtered. . After Reading Sample answer: I learned that your identity is partly formed by the people whose success or behavior influences you. use I messages to express your feelings, communicate with respect, be an active listener Chapter 2 Accessing Information on page(s) 37. Public or private agencies may offer classes on parenting and conflict resolution. 1. The scientists observed the mice until all of them developed adult sex characteristics. Alcohol often plays a role in date rape. Weight increases rapidly 5. One way to ensure that you will avoid the dangers of substance abuse is to be fully committed to refusing drugs before they are offered. An amniocentesis F. can show what genetic abnormalities the mother has. T 11. They are in love with each other and are discussing the possibility of marriage, even though they still have one year of high school remaining. Exposure to smog 7. 4. Which substance reduces the oxygen levels in the blood of a pregnant mother and fetus? List six steps you can take to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. 3. Healthy families provide support to their members and help children and teens develop the values and skills that will help them become successful members of society. To Help Their Children Avoid Teen Pregnancy, Richard Murphy Email: Tel: 085 271 9127, Oakland Unified School District Process Writing Assessment 6 th Grade Expository Writing: A Problem Middle School Students Face, PSHE at key stages 1 4 Guidance on assessment, recording and reporting, Bullying 101: Guide for Middle and High School Students. Being evasive with your response C. Responding to a question by raising your voice level D. Repeating what you hear and making eye contact 6. If not, she should use refusal skills to turn down the offer. 1. The club has planned a car wash to raise money for a local family. Hormones are chemicals produced by your glands that regulate the Chapter 3 activities of different body cells. D. is spread by an infected person. New and Academic Vocabulary anxiety Write the correct vocabulary term under each definition. Rewrite any false statements to make them true. Which of the following is true about marijuana? State who coordinated the project and which countries were involved. 1. goals priorities tasks values activities Sample answer: Priorities are the goals, tasks, values, and activities that you judge to be more important than others. Clues: Air moves into the lungs through this Branches out into bronchi Also known as the windpipe Structure: Lungs Larynx Diaphragm Epiglottis Trachea 200 Chapter 15 Student Activity Workbook, 211 Note Taking Chapter 15 The Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Digestive Systems Lesson 3 The Digestive System Directions: Use the following outline to help organize your notes as you read through the lesson. T F Negotiation is a process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflicts peacefully. Kevin is a freshman in high school who is unhappy with his physical condition. He thinks the situation is hopeless. Directions: Pair up with another student and review the following you messages. See the Specialist Directions: General health care is provided by primary care physicians, school nurses, and dentists. Vaccines contain weakened or dead pathogens that cause the disease. Directions: The purpose of this exercise is to practice using the Internet to gather information. This fact is evidence that alcohol use increases the likelihood of engaging in risk behaviors. Make sure to include information on both the short-term and long-term effects of tobacco use, the risks of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for nonsmokers, common reasons teens begin using tobacco, and strategies teens can use to avoid tobacco use. J. moderate drinking. Accept other logical statements that support the student s opinion. Devon picked me up after school today in his dad s car. Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Student Activity Workbook 257, 268 Note Taking Chapter 20 Tobacco Lesson 1 The Health Risks of Tobacco Use Directions: Use the following outline to help organize your notes as you read through the lesson. H. asking questions. List three ways you can show support to someone who is grieving. 6. After you have read the chapter carefully, use what you have learned to state what you can do to avoid stereotyping others. 1. 122 Chapter 9 Student Activity Workbook, 133 Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Test Taking Tips on Preparing for Tests When taking a multiple choice test, answer all questions without skipping or jumping around. After you have finished reading, use what you have learned to rewrite your sentence. A. A: B: III. Lesson 3 The Digestive System Dinner s Destinations You and your family have just had a great dinner. Symptoms: persistent irritable mood, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness Anxiety or depression: depression Advice: Marcus should discuss his feelings with a trusted adult. F. Hepatitis A attacks the digestive system. Identify three types of kidney problems. Which condition is the result of crystallization of salts in the urine? In the last column, list the source of your information, if you remember it. You can actively recognize your strengths and weaknesses, demonstrate positive values, develop purpose in your life, form meaningful relationships, avoid unhealthful risk behaviors, and contribute to the community. How Blood Circulation Works on page(s) Explain the main functions of the cardiovascular system. Genes are sections of chromosomes. Study the graph. Which is an infection of the lungs in which the air sacs fill with pus and other liquid? Date rape occurs when one person in a dating relationship forces the other person to take part in sexual intercourse. cholesterol 5. Your Ears on page(s) Keeping Your Ears Healthy on page(s) List the three main parts of the ear. Good Character Traits: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, citizenship Explanation: Answers should suggest that the girl consider working to form more meaningful relationships with her peers. 4. Label the following questions true or false. Key Concept Consider and Reconsider Before reading the lesson, write a sentence or two describing why drinking alcohol is a health risk for a pregnant mother. Academic Integration: English NCTE.6 Applying Knowledge (Turn to pages for complete standard language.) Before Reading Sample answer: Stress can affect a person s physical health by giving them headaches or causing them to get sick. T F Some teens avoid using tobacco because of family values. Problems Many teens feel insecure about their changing bodies. A. See a health care professional if you think you have an infection. H. Stand up for your rights in a firm but positive way. After Reading Sample answer: I can work to incorporate health skills such as conflict resolution, refusal skills, and interpersonal communication into my life. Teen girls and young women are most likely to develop eating disorders. Explain your answer. Food 6. Teens may be tempted to experiment with drugs at school, at their jobs, in their communities, or at home. Fruit and dairy products B. Eggs and soy products C. Vegetable oils and nuts D. Meat and legumes 2. Alcohol is a leading cause of death among youth, particularly teenagers. Provide medical care; set limits on behavior; teach health skills Identify three ways your family can promote your mental and emotional health., Importance of Health in Transition Planning for Special Education Students: The Role of the School Nurse, Ten Tips for Parents. He should try to open windows when possible to help circulate the air in the home. Did you respond to similar influences in different ways? C. never the result of media attention. F. Tolerance G. Admission H. Detoxification J. Counseling Answer Space 1 A B C D 2 F G H J 3 A B C D 4 F G H J 5 A B C D 6 F G H J 7 A B C D 8 F G H J Directions: Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. Threatening to tell the teacher if a certain classmate keeps talking to you during tests C. Having a friend walk home from school with you because you are afraid to walk alone D. Telling a group of students in the library to lower their voices 72 Chapter 6 Student Activity Workbook, 83 8. Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the table. A. 154 Chapter 12 Student Activity Workbook, 165 Chapter 12 Physical Activity and Fitness Note Taking Lesson 1 Benefits of Physical Activity Directions: As you read, fill in the charts below to help you organize your notes. After you have finished reading, use what you have learned to answer your question. What kind of experiences or responses should parents give to aid in their infant's brain development. ecvointsctcr mcsriicti constructive criticism non-hostile comments that point out problems and encourage improvement eavgigsrse aggressive overly forceful, pushy, or hostile ybdo elgaanug body language nonverbal communication through gestures, facial expressions, behaviors, and posture epvaiss eavcit glniisnte active listening paying close attention to what eavsister passive unwilling or unable to express thoughts and feelings in a direct or firm manner someone is saying and communicating assertive expressing your views clearly and respectfully Chapter 6 Student Activity Workbook 81, 92 Chapter 6 Communication Styles on page(s) List the three major styles of communication and identify the characteristics of each. Sharing memories and feelings about the lost loved one with family or friends is also a good suggestion. Describe the roles of public health policies and programs such as the Social Security system, Medicare, and Medicaid. Key Concept Consider and Reconsider Before reading the lesson, write a sentence describing some reasons why you think people may abuse medicines. Responsibility 6. A. Look at the following newspaper headlines. His parents, who are both tall, have given you a photograph of Denny playing in the yard on his tenth birthday. Importance helps you function effectively each day, helps you cope with feelings and situations, affects physical and social health List some characteristics of good mental and emotional health. 1. He should use I statements while talking to Caitlyn about the way she has been treating him. Urethra, vas deferens, seminal vesticle, prostate and Cowper s glands, epididymis, and testes Maintaining Reproductive Health on page(s) Male Reproductive System Problems on page(s) 450. Vision 2. The cardiovascular system provides nutrients and oxygen, carries away wastes, and helps fight disease. What was in Jenner s smallpox vaccine? Sweat glands 5. Directions: Read each situation and answer the questions that follow. One of Carolyn s favorite television programs is about a family that resembles her own. 1. Sion. G. schizophrenia. Influence Social environment. Social Health Seeking and lending support when needed Communicating well and listening to others Showing respect and care for yourself and others Describe how you can predict the way your current health decisions will affect your health in the future. T F Advertising has little influence on consumers decision to purchase healthrelated products. 280 Chapter 22 Student Activity Workbook, 291 Chapter 22 Illegal Drugs Real World Connection Drug Use and Athletic Performance Being a good athlete requires many different qualities and skills. Key Concept Consider and Reconsider Before reading the lesson, write a sentence describing how your skin protects you. It shows responsibility for one s own wellness. Determine which of the above attributes an athlete would be compromising by using marijuana. Starches are long chains of sugars linked together. 2. Health Fraud List some advertising phrases that are commonly associated with fraud. Explain why it is important to have healthy teeth. Displaying all worksheets related to - Glencoe Algebra 1 Answers. Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Student Activity Workbook 231, 242 Chapter Brain cells A. form more quickly after birth.