Kidding – but you must know what I’m talking about, I’d think. Perhaps this is a co-created soul playground/learning center as some religions teach, and the dominance of deceptive forces is just the current state of affairs. It is refreshing to see the light being shined on the darkness. Then, just in Taoism, we also get visualisation( also very powerful but makes me feel a bit creepy) to do with the planets. What do you think? …rules that you go by to prevent being decieved in the future. I no longer use that language and suspect it maybe a façade. December 14, 2020. People can say whatever they want but those people would be ignoring history. Candle “magic” is a similar thing. Nobody could explain it to me and they still can’t. Each of Crrow’s interviews and articles are better than the last. While it could have truth through genetics – it was so off base because he was so simplistic in his explanation. Crrow777 said that the video is a compilation of unidentified flying objects flying around the moon. Intriguing, because I was unaware that one of my favorite underground rappers was a Mason and had a cryptic video out there explaining this…. By the way, this is the image ( and it is a “CREATED” image not a snapshot from a camera as is true of nearly every image you have ever seen of “space”. @Winter_mute: When I speak of a subject on here, like the moon being a control mechanism for instance, I allow myself to put all other previous beliefs, ideals, notions, theories, etc. Will email you my contact incase, thankyou for everything you are doing its always appreciated. Come on crrow, how many of thses 100 fireballs did you see hit the earth bro. And let’s face it – you’re our younger, combination of characters Mr. Hand & Jeff Spicoli teaching us our history here. A Sol-dier is just one path of the fool. I also have to say – and I do not mean this in any sort of political, non-political corrected form, nor racist, nor any negative connotation AT ALL attached to it: Greg – the fact that you are able to use the words “house negro” – AT ALL… these days, yet keep it entirely respectful and historically accurate speaks volumes to your character. In this clip the rocket can actually be seen arcing over the ocean and then going down You’ve certainly inspired me to stop worrying about absorbing enough information and get down to some experiments I’ve cooked up. I suppose attachment to the comfort of some sort of benevolent divine order and fear of living in a system decidedly not made for human benefit should both be considered obstacles to real understanding. Likewise – when I heard this in the episode – it was so chilling because when you know the things we are coming to understand – you just KNOW it’s truth., Crrow777 – A YouTube user has published a series of videos which crazily suggest the moon is a man-made illusion and covering something else up.. Do this one simple thing using the moon as your subject of investigation and the things I have said here will begin to make more sense. How are they able to get away with this gridding of the sky so blatently with no questions asked? OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans & Emily Moyer Our guest is Crrow777, the man behind the documentary videos of the Moon Wave Effect, fearless researcher and debunker of matrix programming, and deep practitoner of “ring of truth” reasoning. Especially prevalent in societies where a fire was kept all night for cooking/warmth. , Oh and I’m married, so no worries…not trying to come off as a skeezah! I think the single lunar page from Hatybov is the best place to start and clearly the direct link to the wave. This is harder to verify and certainly we are less likely to believe we can be controlled because it always feels like us making the decisions. Let me know and if you are thinking of staying more local just let me know where I can donate to the cause! and other biblical prophecies. Another great chat with crrow! you would think the earth would start to have extreme weather, flooding, polar shifting or even melting, rising oceans…. During summer the Sun is high, which means the full Moon must be low. From what I understand, there was races of B-B-BOOM! No North Star experience; I am too far South. The simple fact that we have never seen video of a rocket launch all the way to space should be the first clue. Never again accept anything as true until you have looked at it through a microscope – down to its particles – so to speak. It seems, currently, that no one has ever been beyond our atmosphere and that space, Sun and Moon have been intentionally Misdescribed. Pay very close attention to every detail that you would normally dismiss while being caught up in the hypnotizing story that is entertaining you. The emergence of unconscious and pre-conscious material into awareness is what happens to me when doing various “ritual” involving candle flames and concentration on a fixed point, seems like the moon walk was a very similar sort of setup. The question then becomes – how do we know things? much respect and love to you! The genetic idea is very alluring to provide an explanation. The original moon landing footage no longer exists, we are told. Though the works of my namesake were hugely influential for me, playing around with discarding all belief can be all fun and games until it touches on things you experience every day. He developed the out of this world theory after he caught on camera something he calls a “lunar wave” which he claims shows it is a hologram. Maybe I’ll make a video and name it: “Moon Landing – Is it LIVE or Memorex?” I have yet to see ANYONE point out this subtle little moment that tons of peoples’ sub-consciences saw in 1969… look at the 20:25 mark to 20:36 of the original 1969 CBS coverage of the moon landing here:, Does anyone see the telltales of video tape playback in these 10 seconds? Will you be the 100th monkey? In the aftermath it is easy to see why so many experts refused to go on the record even though they knew, potentially, what the 2012 lunar wave footage meant. I’m a little confused why anyone would be talking about this material when the translation is so poor and difficult to access……, Tell me about it…I keep going back to the source material and keep rereading it. Can anyone clarify this? That is when this future sci-fi author came up with the concept of satellites for use as global communication relays. THis fits right in with what crow was talking about the drones looking for sharks at the beach. If you wish to truly see for the first time of your life, stop believing in everything immediately. Again, we live in an HD world! I hope we can have many locations filming this Sept. It’s hard to imagine what would happen. Thinking about the reason of the control system is being 100 steps a head of people might got a lot Some weeks ago when entertaining myself with a certain gentlemans evidence of a flat earth (not to name drop, but I’ll call him eric), I heard mention of a Crrow 777 in an unsavoury light. Crrow claims “lunar waves” (supposedly power glitches in an artificial electrical system) demonstrate that the Moon is a hologram. In the summer, they would hit a candle up. If you are ever in Australia you are welcome at my place anytime. What did he lie about? I have attempted to get this going but so far with no good response. Using the tired 100th monkey as a comparison I will state how I think progress can be made. We reckon it’s all about sound vibration…. I agree with you that this reality suspicious (lunar wave etc..) and is a little too perfect… look at Scott Onstotts work with number and measure…it all fits so perfectly as to appear to be crafted, however, I think there is enough evidence to suggest that this created reality can be viewed from space and is “real”. I am in the process of getting my gun license sorted (in Aus also) partially for this reason, amongst others . When you go outside and look up at the […] If you can do this for about a year the blinders will begin to fall away from your eyes and you will see like you have never seen before. That is a heck of an offer. My website is which is a portal to reach me at my Youtube channel which is I exclusively release my work on Youtube.