Category:Christmas in Belgium. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Christmas in Belgium includes some traditions from nearby Germany. Venison, boar and rabbit dishes are also popular at Christmas time in Belgium. Belgium doesn’t have only one but two Christmas figures! Belgium boasts not one, but two Santa Clauses, St. Nicholas and Pere Noel. It is also the time for bidding goodbye to the year passing by. Whichever the answer, it’s a fact that Christmas Day in Belgium is generally a day of relaxation, of having a generous Sunday breakfast and of visiting old friends and distant family members you didn’t get a chance to see the day before. ... Another of the oldest holiday traditions in Estonia is the Christmas Eve sauna, which is exactly as unappealing as it sounds. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They generally meet each other and wish everybody a very happy Merry Christmas in … The day starts with a special church service and ends with an exotic meal at the family dinner table. Nathalie, a mom of two young girls, describes the holiday season in Belgium where she lives. Your email address will not be published. In Belgium, Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas are two diverse people. St. Nicholas arrives first on Christmas Eve and children who have been bad are given stones and twigs. Belgium is divided into three parts. A small presentation on Christmases in Belgium! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Over 250 stalls are packed into one of the city’s squares, selling chocolates, baked goods, mulled wine, and Christmas decorations. St. Nicholas visits those who speak the Waloon language, while those who speak French are visited by … St. Nicholas is the "bad cop" of the duo, and is all about reconnaissance. These are made from evergreen twigs, decorated with ribbons or other Christmas ornaments, and four candles. The celebrations feature adrenaline-pumping parades, merrymakers in the most extravagant costumes, and tons of music and dancing. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Deep fried sweet dumplings are also enjoyed over the holiday, as well as sweet bread shaped like the baby Jesus. From Latvia’s burning of the Yule Log to how the Czechs keep their carp in the bathtub ahead of turning them into lunch on Christmas Eve, here are 10 of our favorite Christmas traditions from around Europe. Nativity scenes are popular Belgium. As in other countries, Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th. Christmas for both gift-givers is on December 6th, the feast of St Nicholas, it is a religious occasion and is observed with services in churches and quiet family gatherings. Why your go-to-market strategy should be industry focused The feast of St. Nicholas is one of the most important events during Christmas celebrations in Belgium. It's interesting how similar our traditions are and yet they celebrate St. Nicholas on Dec. 6! Jan. 26, 2021. Because of the COVID-19/Coronavirus Pandemic, many of the ways that Christmas is celebrated around the world might be … Christmas Traditions in the Belgium mark the unity of mankind. This has me reflecting on my own traditions and those that I want to start with my family. Belgium is proud of its chocolate, and special Christmas chocolates are filled with nuts, cream or liquor. Other popular markets are Leuven, Antwerp and Liège, who all have their own signature atmosphere. Belgian Christmas wreaths traditionally have four candles, and one is lit each week in the four weeks leading up to Christmas. Saint Nicholas’ Day is notable on December 6 th and is mainly a kids’ feast. Learn how your comment data is processed. It is another interesting fact about Christmas that majorly people celebrate the festival on 25th December, while many Orthodox people celebrate Christmas on 7 th of January. In Belgium, Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus are two different people. Chocolatiers such as Neuhaus, Godiva, and Leonidas, … Until the mid-20th century, Belgian writers more often wrote in French even if they were Flemish, due both to the then-dominant position of that language in worldwide culture and its dominant position within Belgium itself (e.g. This day begins with a church service where families gather and … Seafood is popular, along with a Christmas cake in the shape of a yule log, and plenty of red wine. Suzanne Lilar, Emile … Traditions in Belgium. The country is known for moules frites (mussels served with french fries) as well as waffles, a popular snack item. Saint Nicholas' Day is celebrated on the 6th of December and is primarily a children’s feast. Festival of Wallonia Held every third Sunday of September, the Festival of Wallonia (or Fêtes de Wallonie) celebrates Belgian independence, patriotism, and Walloon identity. Children leave their shoes in front of the fireplace, rather than hang up a stocking. Visiting Christmas markets is popular, and people buy presents, decorations and seasonal food and drink. It is his birthday that is celebrated on this day. These cookies do not store any personal information. Cozy villages built out of wooden chalets and a family-centered Christmas Eve around an overflowing table are traditions dear to many a Belgian heart. As in The Netherlands, children in Belgium believe that 'Sinterklaas/St. For the Dutch-speaking community, there’s Sinterklaas, or St. Nicholas, and for the French-speaking community, there’s Pere Noel, or Santa Claus. Christmas in Belgium. You’ll find the most mammoth of christmas trees on the Grand-Place, along with a stunning light-and-sound show. The three-day carnival in the Walloon town of Binche is one of the wackiest festivals in Belgium. The preparation that goes into the dinner may not be quite up to the level of North America’s famous Thanksgiving turkey, but it certainly comes close. Christmas in Malta: Facts About Maltese Christmas Traditions, Christmas in New Zealand: Facts About New Zealand Traditions, 13 Easy DIY Halloween Decorations – Ideas and Inspiration, 10 Creative DIY Star Wars Christmas Holiday Crafts, Christmas in Germany: Facts About German Christmas Traditions, TT Rockstars Tips: How to Get Better at Times Tables Rock Stars. You wouldn’t guess it looking at the Germans’ reasonably put-together neighbors, but Belgians are the second-to-last worldwide to rise on Christmas Day, the New York Times reported last year. Yes, you heard it right. The feast usually starts with a drink (aperitif) and nibbles, and is followed by a hors d'oeuvres course (appetizers). Some families go to Midnight Mass service, though this tradition has dwindled over the past couple of decades as the non-religious part of the population grows. Required fields are marked *. The starters are usually made with seafood, since seafood is a specialty in this country. The Zwarte Piet character is part of the annual Feast of St. Nicholas that is celebrated on the evening of 5 December (Sinterklaasavond, which is known as St. Nicholas' Eve in English) in the Netherlands, Suriname, Aruba, and Curaçao.This is when presents and sweets are traditionally distributed to children. Whichever the answer, it’s a fact that Christmas Day in Belgium is generally a day of relaxation, of having a generous Sunday breakfast and of visiting old friends and distant family members you didn’t get a chance to see the day before. Our guide to Belgian Christmas foods gives you the lowdown on the entire meal. Interesting Facts about Christmas Tradition in Belgium During Christmas celebrations, there are two Santa Claus figures in Belgium. People celebrate the festival of Christmas with their own unique rituals and traditions. Special cakes are baked and served during the holiday season and are a treat for children and adults. Engage students in your virtual classroom with Prezi Video for Google Workspace To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK", Grand-Place | © Eric Danhier / It is held on December 6 every year. Brussels has a wonderful Christmas market over the holidays. Customs, Traditions & Celebrations In Bethlehem Christmas does is not celebrated on a particular day. Whatever your idea of the perfect Christmas, no place does yuletide traditions quite like Europe. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Christmas in Belgium. New Year in Belgium has the name of Saint Sylvester Vooravond eve which symbolizes it. Belgian Christmas Feast On Christmas Eve (le Reveillon de Noel), a special meal is consumed by families and friends. As a predominantly Christian society until fairly recently, Belgium embraced Christmas centuries ago as its single most important holiday. Belgians also drink a lot of its more than 600 varieties of beer during the holiday season. Christian denominations, namely, Catholics, Protestants, Greek, Orthodox, Ethiopians, Armenians and others, differ in terms of Christmas celebrations and also the day observing the birth of Jesus Christ. For Christmas breakfast, Belgians eat the normal Sunday breakfast: baked crusty rolls served with butter and jam and/or coffee cake. Habits, mentality and the way of living. Pages in category "Christmas in Belgium" The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. The New Year in Belgium is celebrated on 1st January and is the time for greeting for the year ahead. One is St. Nicholas and other is Pere Noel. Skating rinks and ferris wheels are usually around to up the entertainment and kiddie fun even more. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Your chances of seeing the biggest Christmas tree in the land are guaranteed at Brussels’ Winter Wonders, one of the most visited markets of all that lasts the entire month of December and hosts tons of side activities. There are two Santa Claus figures in Belgium, St. Nicholas and Pere Noel. Chocolate advent calendars are popular, as well as advent calendars made from flowers and branches. Blog. Venison, boar and rabbit dishes are also popular at Christmas time in Belgium. No stamp needed as long as you get the Holy Man’s address right: Sinterklaas, Spain Street, 0621 Heaven. St. Nicholas is said to have a horse, rather than reindeer, so a carrot is often left.